undo last

英 [ʌnˈduː lɑːst] 美 [ʌnˈduː læst]

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  1. That's why Congress should undo the damage done by last year's cuts to basic research so we can unleash the next great American discovery-whether it's vaccines that stay ahead of drug-resistant bacteria, or paper-thin material that's stronger than steel.
  2. And of course we must also undo the errors of both Mr Bush and, as of last December, President Barack Obama, and let the Bush tax cuts for the richest Americans expire.
  3. The need for an incremental Undo remains, but discerning the individual components of more than the last few operations is overkill in most cases.
  4. Tip of the Day: You can usually undo the last action you performed by choosing Undo from the Edit menu.
  5. They are "compare file with last commit" and "undo file changes ( restore file from last commit)".
  6. In some applications, any click of the mouse, however innocent of function it might be, causes the single Undo function to forget the last meaningful thing the user did.
  7. The undo command change to can not undo on the menu if you cannot reverse your last action.
  8. With multiple level undo, can I go back past the last save?
  9. You can usually undo the last action you performed by clicking Undo on the Edit menu.